
Archive for the ‘disability’ Category

My son has cerebral palsy; it is one of the many disabilities he deals with on a daily basis. There have been many, many times I wondered if he would be dependent on a wheelchair or walker. I worried how the world at large would treat him; the world can be pretty cruel and unyielding to anyone with disabilities. I worried whether his inability to walk would hamper his self esteem or put him in a position of feeling less than equal with those who walk and move about unencumbered.

Many of my worries are now gone as Nik learned to walk shortly before his fourth birthday. He is fortunate in that his mobility is not grossly impaired; it’s far from perfect but he can walk on his own —largely without assistance or support though not for great distances.

When I saw this article today, I had to smile. Something like this was once the stuff of science fiction and pipe dreams. Mazel Tov to the brilliant minds which turned this dream into a reality which can change the lives of many.

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